Mura is an FBI Agent investigating a man suspected of stealing a valuable painting. She has entered his house when she believes he is out to search for the stolen art work. She is unaware that the thief is there, until he comes up behind her and grabs her, throwing her to the floor and promptly securing her wrists with duct tape. Subsequently, he grabs her legs and tapes her ankles and thighs before wrapping tape around her body, above and below her breasts. Mura struggles throughout, warning him of her position and threatening him with spending the rest of his life in prison. To shut her up, the thief pushes a cloth into her mouth and tapes her legs and cheeks, making sure she cannot spit the cloth out. Unable to speak of break the tape binding her, Mura struggles in the floor after the thief leaves her alone for a while. After several minutes of futile struggling, she spots a pair of scissors on a cabinet, pushes herself to her feet and hops across the room to retrieve them. She manages to cut the tape binding her wrists, and quickly frees her legs and removes the gag. She decides to make a run for it and return with more agents, but she does not get far before the thief notices she is free and runs after her. He picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, carrying her back inside the house. Clearly, the girl cannot be left in a position where she can move around, so he ties her to a chair with lots and lots of rope, securing her so well that getting out is not an option. Mura's big mouth leads to her being gagged again. Refusing to accept defeat, she thrashes around on the chair, rocking it dangerously until she finally tips it over. Now she must lie on the floor, still attached to the chair, the thief telling her that he will not pick her up. When he receives a phone call, he leaves the room. Now Mura is alone and helpless. What will befall the intrepid agent?
27 minutes 30 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,555.9 MB
Help (MP4) - Mura Suru
- Brand: Northstar Video Productions, B.V.
- Product Code: Help.mp4
- Availability: In Stock